Work of art which combines music and poetry performed in the twin cities divided by the border

BORDER tell about the challenges at the border, the fears with crossing borders and the courage to cross them. It reflects on the emergence of new boundaries, boundaries within us and in our lives.

BORDER deal with how borders create security or threat. Life in border areas can all of a sudden become dangerous, as the war in Ukraine has shown. Is the border between Russia and the West becoming impassable again for years? How do borders change us?

BORDER will be completed in Tartu 2024’s main programme. It is presented three years in a row in the EU capitals of culture, in the area of ​​which the twin cities are located. Thus, the work of art will be performed in six different countries.

BORDER is a work of art in which the authors themselves cross different boundaries – they have not collaborated with each other before, but are all top professionals in their own field. They cross their safe boundaries, and share their know-how and network among their partners, and thus everyone gets more.

Music composition: Olli Kortekangas FIN
Libretto: Elo Viiding EST
Orchester and performing: Ville Rusanen, bariton (FIN), Tiit Peterson, gitarr (EST), Neeme Punder, violin (EST), Elo Viiding, poetry (EST)

Premiere: As part of Tartto 2024’s Europe week, when Estonia is celebrating the 20th anniversary of European Union membership

Tuesday the 7th of May 2023, at 18 o’clock  

The Cultural Centre of Valga, Kesk 1, Valga

Music and poetry performance
Discussion session: Philosofical and societal discussion on emergencing boundaries and how to cross them in nowadays Europe. The participants will be confirmed later.

Tickets from Piletilevi:
10 euros / 5 euros (seniors, students)
Piletilevi, at the door

All performances in Europe:
2024 Tartu: Valga–Valka (The title of the Capital of Culture is Arts of survival)
2025 Nova Gorica–Gorizia (The title of the the Capital of Culture is GO – Borderless) and in Italy (negotiations in progress)
2026 Oulu: Tornio–Haaparanta (One of the titles of the Capital of Culture is Brave Hinterland)
2026 also in Gerany (negotiations in progress)

Executive producer: Jaana Vasama, Tuglas-seura
Production: Tuglas Society, The Finnish Institute in Estonia, The Finnish Society in Tartu, Tartu 2024: (Tuglase SeltsSoome InstituutTartu Soome SeltsTartu 2024).